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  • Keep the young and youth off the street by engaging them in various programs of community and social development by creating a safe play, fun and entertainment platform.


  • Groom, Hone and harness the homeless and underprivileged as drivers and participants in community and social development through Arts, Sports, Internet training & Recreation


  • Offer directive assistance and rehabilitation plan for proper reintegration into society.


  • Produce self-sustainable individuals by providing adequate skills and create economic opportunities through entrepreneurship platforms created by Sarandonga.


  • Forster an environment of language and literature development


  • Hone ones socio-emotional, artistically, physical and spiritually, Nurturing dreams and assisting to find purpose


  • Motivate and create a place to make that first step, through nutritional methods activate a much healthier being and create self empowerment through natural health supplementary products.


  • Create a consciousness revolution.


''Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent''.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


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